
May 22, 2008 (2.18, aka #41): Two Paths Diverge in Queens*

*See The Road Not Taken, by Robert Frost

Flashback to 1999. Kimberly (Lindsay Lohan) picks Betty to be on her dodgeball team in gym class. Betty tries to beg off, but Kimberly insists. When the game begins and the other team begins throwing balls at them, Betty's teammates hide behind her to use her as a human shield. (Adding insult to injury, the girl Kimberly didn't choose is actually bigger than Betty!)

Betty is describing this memory to Gio over breakfast at Mode to explaining why she doesn't want to be on the company softball team for the charity game. Gio says the team is hard-up for players - Daniel actually went to Gio's sandwich shop to recruit him. Gio wants to do this as a "couple." Betty is hesitant.

I'm not so much hating the possibility of Lindsay Lohan having a story arc if she comes back as Betty's former classmate. (I don't care who's in the role, I just think it's a great story idea - I had thought that the plan was to have Lindsay Lohan guest-star as herself.)

Gio, who supposedly doesn't want to be Rebound Guy, hounds her for a date. He's going to Italy soon for a month. It's supposedly part of his five-year plan. Betty isn't paying much attention - she's just noticed someone with a stack of advance copies of Hot Flash. Betty grabs one to look for her article. She and Gio thumb eagerly through the magazine.

Eventually they find it... about ten pages from the back of the magazine. It's totally rewritten and contains the word "natch," which is not used by anyone under age 70. When Betty asks Claire about this, Claire tells Betty that the article was too "safe." She asks Betty what she wants to be when she grows up. Betty says she wants to be like Claire and run her own magazine. She loves magazines and wants to speak to people and touch their lives. Claire says that won't happen until Betty starts taking real risks - not just with work, but with her life.

At lunch at the Suarez house, Hilda tells Tony about her love of tater-tots. He has brought fruited jello from school. (She prefers to call him "Coach.") He says she's a rock, she says she's a gem, he says it takes a lot of heat to make a gem. They arrange a date for Saturday.

Alexis is checking out the Mode softball uniforms, which are mostly orange. She suggests a a high-heeled cleat. Daniel is not paying much attention to her - he is busy preparing a presentation for some clients. He is working extra-hard to keep as much work out of Wil's hands as possible. Alexis complains that he doesn't trust her either.

Fido complains to Amanda that the softball uniform does nothing for his bustline. Betty doesn't want to be on the softball team, so she asks Amanda if she can be a cheerleader. Amanda says she'll have to try out. Fido throws some red-and-blue pompoms at Betty which totally don't match the uniforms, and Amanda makes her jump. (Fido takes a picture.) When Betty's done, Amanda says they have no cheerleading uniforms in Betty's size. Betty leaves.

A young French boy approaches to reception desk and asks for Daniel. Amanda doesn't understand him, but offers to put makeup on him.

Daniel's presentation is not going well; the client is confused. Wil openly criticizes Daniel's efforts and offers to donate the proceeds from the softball charity game to the client's favorite charity. Wil says she cares about poor children. (Betty rolls her eyes.) She also cuts a deal with the client.

Daniel vents about this to Betty, who suggests that he work with Wil instead of against her. From across the room, they actually see Wil telling the clients that Daniel doesn't know how to do his job. To lighten the mood (for himself), Daniel makes fun of the "natch" in Betty's article.

At lunch with Gio, Betty vents about the article. (Two meals in a row with a guy she's not sure she wants to be her boyfriend? Hmmmm...) He jokes that she's in a difficult "sitch." He wants to give her a batting lesson. She resists and says she'd rather be the team mascot. He teases her for playing it safe - these are the magic words that change her mind.

Soon Betty is delighted to realize that she really can hit the ball. Gio invites her to go to Rome with him. (He knocks her down to prevent her from getting hit by a ball she hit the wrong way.) He says it would be most romantic first date ever. Betty agrees. He kisses her.

The French boy, who evidently took Amanda up on her offer to put makeup on him, finds Daniel. Daniel speaks no French. Boy speaks no English. Daniel asks if anyone speaks French. The boy sheepishly volunteers. (Little joker!) Eventually, a translator explains that the boy's mom was a model who met Daniel in Paris some years ago, and died recently.

Daniel says her death is a "bummer." (The guy offers to translate this into French, but Daniel declines.) The boy, who is also named Daniel, is in NY on a school trip and wanted to meet his father. Daniel is slow to understand that he is the father.

Betty comes in and babbles to Daniel how she joined the softball team and is going to Rome with Gio ("pickle-napkin Gio," she specifies, in case Daniel is thinking of another Gio). It takes a while for her to notice Daniel's shell-shocked look. Finally, she sees the boy and asks why he's wearing eyeshadow. Daniel explains who the boy is. Daniel doubts that he's really the boy's father; he says people used to do this to his own father all the time, trying to scam for money. He assumes that Wil has put the boy up to this.

Wil scoffs at this elaborate alleged plan. Daniel doesn't believe her and says "you have no moves in this chess game." Wil says that she plays chess, while he only plays checkers. Flustered, Daniel says she still has no moves.

Alone with Fido, Wil admits that she is stunned by this development. She feels that it's a gift from God. "Check and mate," she says. "Queen me," Fido replies.

Daniel and the boy have blood tests. The school will pick up the boy. Betty is concerned that Daniel is so unconcerned about him. Daniel has important plans - a date with three hot models tonight. He's not concerned about the boy, sure that he is definitely not his son. Offended, and clearly understanding more English than Daniel had thought, the boy stomps out of Daniel's office, where he is intercepted by Wil and Fido. Wil is sympathetic to him and invites him to dinner.

At home, Justin is criticizing Hilda for being a tease with Tony, but Ignacio thinks it's good that she's playing it safe because they know so little about the coach. Justin notes that he doesn't sweat. They ask Betty to weigh in on this when she comes home, but she blurts that she's going to Rome with Gio. Ignacio wants to know about sleeping arrangements. Betty doesn't know yet. Hilda points out that, being 24, Betty can't still be a virgin. Ignacio is very displeased!

Justin answers the door. It's Henry. He gets on one knee, presents a ring, and asks Betty to marry him! After sending her nosy family out of the foyer, Betty angrily tells him that she's just starting to get over him. He begs her not to, saying he's in love with her. He wants her to move to Tucson. He's even gotten her a high-paying writing job at a magazine there. He is puzzled by her reticence. He's going back on Monday, and hopes she will come with him. He leaves.

Now Ignacio is trying to talk Betty into going to Rome because it's less scary to him than having her get married and move away. Hilda defends her, but Ignacio angrily says this is not comparable to when he got married and moved away, even though he was younger than Betty and traveled much farther. Come to think of it, he doesn't want her going to Rome either. Betty says she wants advice, not approval. He offers neither.

Daniel Junior has made the news on Fashion TV. They report that his mother was a hand model. (I'm sure there's a joke in there somewhere, but I'm not going to be the one to make it!) There's a scene of Daniel Senior guzzling from a bottle with a model on his arm, while a suspiciously dirt-smudged Daniel Jr. eats out of a Dumpster in an alley. (Claire immediately sees a family resemblance.) Daniel Sr.'s main annoyance is that the school didn't pick the boy up as promised.

Alexis announces that the moody client wants to pull out of her sponsorship because of the bad publicity about Daniel Junior (doesn't look good for a woman involved with a children's charity). Alexis tells Daniel she's going to say he's taking a leave of absence in hopes that it will assuage the client. Daniel reminds her of how he stood up for her when a client wanted to pull out because of her sex-change, even though it almost cost them the magazine. Unmoved, Alexis says she's learning from his mistakes.

Ignacio is ironing angrily at home. Hilda tries to reason with him. She says Betty must seize the opportunity for love, or else boom, it's gone, and she will have nothing. (Remembering Santos.) She goes off to seize Tony.

Betty asks Daniel about the leave of absence. He says it's just for a few weeks. He tells Betty to take a vacation. He says he knows he's the boy's father. He reads the letter that the boy's mother wrote, explaining who his father is and telling the boy to go find him if anything happened to her. Betty reminds him of how bad his relationship with his own father was, and says the boy needs him.

Daniel gives Betty first class tickets for her and Gio's trip to Rome. Betty tells him Henry's marriage proposal. Daniel is not sure how to react at first, but says she should go to Rome because he wants to keep her at Mode. (My opinion, Betty should take the offer that made her happy when she got it, and not the one that upset her. Henry shows up at her door and expects her drop everything, take a job she didn't ask for and move to Tucson to make a lifelong commitment, all within a few days. Despite his insistence, she shouldn't decide that fast.)

Wil, the human gloating machine, gloats to Alexis that the client agreed to stay since Daniel is out of the picture. Alexis thanks her. Wil says she's having to do everything now that Daniel is dealing with his "little bastard." She says it's actually a lot easier to do things by herself. She reminds Alexis of their original plan (last year) to take over Mode together. She says that now that Alexis is in charge, she should do what's best for the company - to give Wil Daniel's job. For Mode's sake.

A man from Junior's school gives the boy's paperwork and passport to Daniel. Daniel shows Junior a telescope and tries to show him all the landmarks in NY, then sees something naughty in a window and stops with the telescope. The conversation is awkward, so Daniel asks the boy if he likes movies. This works a little better - Junior likes Johnny Depp films - but it turns out that he's more interested in actresses who Daniel thinks are hot. They also talk about sports - Junior likes baseball, but not soccer.

Ignacio comes to Mode to talk to Betty. He brings a photo album with pictures from her childhood. They remember the day she wanted to jump off high board at the pool. Ignacio didn't want her to, but she got mad and did it anyway. Betty remembers she was scared. This time, however, she is not sure what she wants. He says he loves her and will support her either way, but only she can decide. She'll have to take a deep breath and jump.

Tony gives Hilda a big amber pendant. ("A fine gem for another fine gem," he says.) He wants to talk. She nervously cuts him off, wanting to get physical. He backs off and tells her that he's not exactly single. He is in a turbulent marriage with intermittent separations. Hilda angrily gets out of the car. He tells Hilda he thinks he's falling for her.

Now it's the Mode vs. Elle charity softball game. Amanda mugs for the Fashion TV camera and tells her alleged fans that she'll soon have a record, or a TV show, or a sex tape, or something.

Junior is excited about seeing Naomi Campbell. Daniel is surprised when the boy also recognizes Fido and says he's droll. The tiny wheels in Daniel's head finally complete their rotation, and only then does Daniel figure out how Fashion TV got its information about Junior.

Gio shows up to play for the Mode team. Betty tries to avoid him, but Fido and Amanda draw his attention when they try to jump on Betty. (She tells them they're rude.) Gio asks if she's avoiding him and asks if she wants to go to Rome.

Now Henry is here in a Mode uniform too (supposedly the team was shorthanded.) Gio tells Henry about Rome. Henry tells Gio about the proposal. Time almost stops.

The game begins. Betty runs away from both of them. The Fashion TV reporter calls the game. Daniel is supposed to bitch, but he's confronting Wil about having his son pick through the garbage. Wil smugly tells Daniel that she's now editor-in-chief.

Then she goes back to the game and offers to pitch. Joe Zee (creative director at Elle is the first at bat. When Wil pitches him out, he tells her he was distracted by how fat she looks in white.

Now Daniel is confronting Alexis. Claire gives her a dirty look. Daniel sees Junior leaning against a tree and they go off together.

Will proceeds to pitch out another Elle person. Naomi Campbell is next at bat. She takes a cell phone call at the batter's box. (Everyone cowers in terror, fearing she'll throw it.) Naomi casually tells Bono that she's busy playing cricket. Wil kisses the ball and throws it to Naomi. Naomi bats it into the outfield. Betty and the two other outfielders - Gio and Henry - all run for it. They collide, and we black out for a commercial!

Betty wakes to breakfast in bed. Henry calls her Mrs. Grubstick. She says she had a dream about the softball game - the day when she made this great choice. He has already made weekend plans for them with his son (Nate) to see the Coolidge Dam. Worried, Betty says she has an article due, but she offers to finish it immediately so that she can go with them.

She goes into the bathroom, which turns out to be a hotel room in Italy. Gio is sitting near the balcony, enjoying music. She tells him she just had a dream that she moved to Tucson. Gio laughs and shows her their itinerary for the day, which he has already drawn up. She asks for an adjustment in the plans, which he happily agrees to.

Betty sits on Gio's lap to snuggle. Henry walks in on them and asks what they're doing. Gio wants to know the same thing. They both tell her to make a choice. She climbs onto the balcony and jumps. She wakes on the softball field, with both teams peering down at her.

Betty says she knows what to do.


Hilda looks at the amber pendant.

The Mode staff celebrates their victory in the office, cheering Wil with a big trophy. Alexis is clapping, but looks guilty when she sees Claire giving her a sour look.

Daniel packs up his desk. Junior looks happy just to be with his dad.

Betty is packing a suitcase at home.

Tony is playing basketball alone. Hilda finds him and kisses him.

Now Wil is giving Daniel a smug look.

Betty is going to the door with her luggage.
Hugging Daddy, who gives her a bag lunch.
Hugging Justin.
Out the door, standing on her doorstep.

Now what?

That's it for Season Two of Ugly Betty! Have a great summer, everyone!

My mission for next season will be to learn some synonyms for "gloat," because Wil's never going to stop doing it and I can't keep repeating myself!


Get Naomi Campbell's softball uniform!

Folks, this auction continues over the weekend, so if you're interested, there's still time to place a bid!

Elle magazine is auctioning off the softball uniform (autographed, of course) that Naomi Campbell wore in the season finale of Ugly Betty. Proceeds will go to charity.

Read the details here.


May 15, 2008 (2.17, aka #40): The Youth Perspective

Sorry for the delay! I'll cover the subplots first:


Amanda brags to Fido about the new reality show she's making with her daddy, Gene Simmons. Fido wants to be on the show, but Amanda says he's not "TV-cute."

Fido shows up for the taping anyway. She tries to tell him that it's not her, but Simmons who doesn't want him to be on the show. She says he "hates the gays." Fido confronts him to tell him off, but Simmons thinks he's funny and fabulous, and invites him to be on the show (apparently a future episode).

On camera, Simmons and Amanda mush about their cosmic connection as father and daughter. When the cameras stop, however, he immediately switches into jerk mode and ignores her to take a phone call.

Fido notices and comments about it to Amanda. Amanda says he's just jealous.

Amanda goes to Simmons, sad about her fight with Fido. At first, he is not interested. When she insists that he pay attention to her, he calls the camera over to capture their magical moment. As he leans forward, she notices that his incriminating Tweetie tattoo is smudged. She asks him if he's really her father.

At first, Fido is sarcastic with Amanda after the show. Amanda apologizes for not wanting him around; she didn't want him to see that Simmons is only nice to her when people are looking. He was using her as a publicity stunt.

Fido is relieved that they're not related, because he doesn't want her to look like Simmons someday. But he's sorry she still doesn't know who her family is. Amanda kisses Fido's cheek and says yes, she does.

(Yay, I was wrong about this story line being resolved in a lame manner!)

Wil and the Meades

Wil and her baby have made the news. It's now general knowledge that Bradford Meade is the baby daddy; the press doesn't know who the surrogate is. The Meades decline to give statements.

The company is to be divided equally among Bradford's children, per Brad's will - evidently, this includes children that haven't been born yet. Wil will have control of one third of the company until that child grows up.

She makes her grand return to Mode. She holds out her hand for Daniel to shake. Daniel reluctantly takes it. She tries to pull him in for a hug - he braces his hand against her shoulder to hold her off. Fido snaps a pic of this moment. Then they go to her old office to gloat some more.

Alexis and Daniel agree that Wil won't have any creative input. She'll be outvoted two-to-one on everything. They pinkie swear on it.

Later, Wil crashes an editorial meeting, miffed that she wasn't invited. Daniel wants to do a war-oriented cover. Alexis thinks it's risky. Wil says it's great, but Elle is already doing it a month earlier. She drums her lacquered fingers on the glass conference table and slurps her coffee loudly as Daniel stammers and tries to recover. He becomes flustered and retreats to the restroom to sulk, where he finds Betty scrubbing a note about herself off of the wall. They pep-talk each other and she slaps his ass in encouragement!

Wil and Alexis come up with an alternate on their own: a peace issue. Genius! Dan is impactado when he finds out. He worries that Wil is already starting to take over. Alexis thinks he's paranoid, but Wil throws Daniel a smug look later on while she admires Alexis's bracelet.

Daniel appears on Larry King's show, hoping to spin the spin on Wil's return. He says that Wil is back in name only. Then someone calls and asks about the picture of him shoving Wil. (It's the handshake photo - when Daniel puts his hand up to keep Wil from hugging him, it looks as though he's shoving Wil, with his face twisted into a snarl.) The caller says that Wil deserves credit for what she's accomplished, and accuses Daniel of having problems with women who don't sleep with him. Daniel tells King and the audience that this is just Wil's assistant pretending to be a girl - Wil, the backstabber, surely put him up to this call to cause trouble. King doubts this and says the caller sounds like a girl. The caller mentions that Wil worked 20 years at Mode, while Daniel got his call through nepotism. (Uh... it's a family-owned company!) Daniel says that Wil is a backstabbing, conniving... King's producer reveals that the call is coming from Vermont. Daniel awkwardly backpedals and says that Vermont has nice foliage.

Meanwhile, Wil offers Claire some advice to save Hot Flash - secretly offer free advertising to a big brand, which will make other advertisers want to pay big bucks to be in the magazine. (It is hard to believe that Claire has never heard of this strategy.) Claire is suspicious of Wil's motives, but Wil says that Claire's failure would be one-third hers.

Later, Claire is hopping mad. Alexis has reinstated Wil as creative director of Mode! Alexis points out that Wil saved Hot Flash and resolved the problem with the war/peace cover, while Daniel was off making an ass of himself on national TV.

Daniel confronts Wil. She gloats at how far she's come so quickly. She smugly speculates that she'll soon have his job as editor-in-chief.

Later, Wil thanks Fido for making the call from the Vermont-based cell phone number that she told him to get.

Adventures of the Suarez Sisters

Betty wakes up surrounded by the wreckage of her broken relationship with Henry. Downstairs, the family discusses how much crying she's been doing. She hasn't been eating. But she shows up for breakfast, dressed to go to work wearing the frumpiest outfit she's worn since... uh, ever?

Claire asks Betty to write an article for Hot Flash. She is vague about the assignment - no recommended subject - but wants 300 words from a "youth perspective."

Betty gets sandwiches for a last-minute Mode event. She tells Gio about the writing assigment. He gives her a cookie. He is flattered and a bit smug, saying that he's no doubt the first person she told about the assignment, but she denies it. He says she flirts. She rejects this. He says she's stalking. She is miffed. He says she wants him to be her rebound guy. She protests. He kisses her. She gets into it, then pushes him away and slaps him and storms out of the sandwich shop.

Betty is working on writing the article when she receives an email - someone is sending a photo of Betty kissing Gio all over Mode with the caption "Betty Whorez is out of control!" Everyone laughs. Betty asks Fido and Amanda to send out a retraction. They laugh at this request, but say they like Gio better than Henry... for Betty. Because they feel that Henry is better-looking and sweeter-smelling than Gio. They say Gio loves her... it says so in the mens' room.

Betty goes to the restroom to take care of the note (a poem written by Fido... "more of a haiku," Betty says), and finds Daniel sulking about Wil. She correctly guesses that he got Claire to give her the writing assignment.

Meanwhile, in Queens, Hilda has put on her nicest green dress and push-up bra to flirt with Tony, Justin's gym teacher. She tells Tony she likes to volunteer. He says great, because he needs a chaperone for the dance. Justin is upset and doesn't want anything to do with the dance, but Hilda says yes to being a chaperone. Then she sneezes - she's catching Ignacio's cold.

Later, Betty tells Hilda about the kiss with Gio. She feels guilty - it's too soon after breaking up with Henry. Or is it? Hilda says you can have feelings for more than one man at a time.

Justin gets ready for the dance, dressed as Danny Zuko from Grease. Hilda now has a fever and can't go. Betty volunteers to go in her place - she'll be able to interview kids, get their "youth perspective," and write her article. But Hilda says Justin still has to go to spy on the coach.

Betty is impressed by the decorations have transformed the gym for the dance. Justin says it's just putting lipstick on a pig. Betty tries to interview the kids, but her efforts fall flat. The first kid she encounters turns out to be Gio's sister - by some sick twist of fate, Gio is also chaperoning this dance. He teases Betty about stalking him and frenching. (She complains about his use of the word "frenching.") She is in no joking mood - her article deadline is tomorrow.

Hilda calls in for a status check. Justin reports that the coach is talking to a woman with a lazy eye.

Betty asks a kid if the word "bling" is still in use. The kid flees in terror! Betty is still not getting any useful information. She finds Gio dancing with a group of kids, and pulls him away to ask for help getting quotes. She wants to know how he gets kids to talk to him instead of running away. He says he talks to them like they're people.

He explains that the kids around the gym are younger versions of people they already know. He points out a boy with a girl on each arm - that's Daniel. A girl puts gum in another girl's hair - that's Amanda. A boy who's defacing a banner is Gio.

Gio says that Betty is the one who never had any fun. She denies this and begins listing all of the academic clubs she belonged to. She says she even gave back her Good Citizenship award, because that is what a good citizen does.

Gio points out Young Betty in the bleachers and guesses that she's covering the dance for the school paper. Betty sadly says no, she's waiting for someone to ask her to dance. Betty goes talk to her. Young Betty says she's most looking forward to graduation. Gio requests "True" ("an oldie!" the DJ declares, putting him on my Hate List forever), and dedicates it to Betty. He asks Betty to dance, and has Justin dance with Young Betty. (The song was a hit in 1983, before Betty was born. It's okay, I like songs from before I was born too; this just strikes me as a lame choice.)

Betty soon gets overwhelmed and runs away. Gio finds her on the back stairs. She says she can't have a boyfriend she loves and then just forget about him. She thinks she's awful for dancing with Gio. Gio says she should be herself, instead of worrying about how she should be. She says she's really sad.

Hilda calls in for an update. Justin tells her he's lost track of the coach. Then he tracks Tony down and asks if he likes Hilda. Tony says what is this, junior high? Justin says yes, it is! And that Hilda totally likes him!

Gio is picking the lock on the trophy cabinet, where Betty's Good Citizenship award is stuffed into the back. Gio has the trophy call to Betty with a Mexican accent. Betty questions this; Gio says all trophies have Mexican accents. Betty takes the trophy, but the shelf collapses and the principal catches them. He takes the award and calls Betty a bad citizen. Betty and Gio stifle chuckles.

Tony knocks on the door at the Suarez house. Hilda looks like she's had a constant cold for three years. He has brought her some soup. Hilda says she looks horrible; Tony says she looks great. She invites him in with an enourmous sneeze. He begs off, but says he'd like to go out with her when she's feeling better. Afterwards, she tries to do a happy dance, but has to stop to cough.

Gio and his sister walk Justin and Betty home. He tells the kids that Betty got expelled. At the door, he pulls Betty aside. She says she had fun, and she got an idea for her story: You can be young at any age - she went to her first junior high school dance at age 24. He wishes her luck.

She asks him sorta-out to do something sometime, but he says no. He doesn't want to be the "rebound guy." He just wants to be "the" guy.

I think it's too late. I don't think you can undo rebound status.

Next week: The season finale, with enough mayhem to keep you guessing all summer long.


5/15/08: Great moments in Office episodes (season finale)

You want us to throw Toby a New Orleans funeral? (Pam)

How much antigravity potion do you want? (Pam)

I don't want your foot money. (Angela)

She stinks with her ways... and her head. (Dwight)

Your job is to make the office lame. (Michael)

Really, what do I do here? I should have written it down. Qua-something... (Creed)

I am totally going to bang Holly. (Kevin)

Toby has been cruisin' for a bruisin' for 12 years... and I am now his cruise director. (Michael)

The real crime, I think, was the beard. (Oscar)

I cannot wait to visit Ryan in prison. (Kelly)

Holly is the best thing that has happened to this company since World War II. Fifty years! (Michael)

I went to a sperm bank. (Jan)

Pam, your smile is weird. (Meredith)


May 8, 2008 (2.16, aka #39): Baby Bust

Betty is enjoying a candlelit dinner at Henry's when Charlie comes home early. She explains that she can't wear a watch because her arms are too fat from being pregnant with Henry's child. She then claims that her blood sugar is low, so she begins eating Henry's dinner.

Betty complains to Christina the next day about how Charlie finds a way to interrupt every date. Christina suggests that Betty and Henry see each other at lunch instead. Betty loves the idea - Christina has yoga class, so she won't be able to butt in.

At Mode, the photographer has canceled because Daniel slept with her and then didn't call her. Claire and Alex want him to get counseling to deal with his grief and his self-destructive behavior. Betty renegotiates with the photographer, but she also suggests therapy to Daniel. She tells him that the definition of insanity is when you keep doing the same thing and expecting it to turn out differently. Therefore, if he keeps saying no to therapy, the non-crazy thing to do would be to say yes to therapy. Betty has already made an appointment for him with a Dr. Wallace.

Meanwhile, at Casa Suarez, Ignacio is cleaning some beans and watching a telenovela with some actors who look familiar, but I'm not sure. He has taken a phone message for Hilda, who can't read his handwriting. Justin's gym teacher called - Justin is flunking gym. Hilda is outraged and wants to confront him, because she doesn't feel that Justin should have to take gym class.

Henry cancels their lunch date because Charlie's yoga partner supposedly canceled and she expects Henry to fill in. Henry admits that he knows she did it on purpose, but he thinks Charlie and Betty should be friends. Betty starts to lose her temper but then decides to do something different (and presumably non-insane). Soo... she volunteers to be Charlie's yoga buddy instead. Charlie is very hostile. When a partner exercise begins, Charlie doesn't let Betty touch her, so the teacher kicks them out. Charlie gripes that she was supposed to be having a baby shower in Tucson this weekend. Betty offers to give her a shower instead, the next day.

Hilda and Coach Diaz. He's hot. Um... oh right, I was doing a recap. He thinks his class is as important as English or Math, and no one should be excused. Hilda scoffs. The coach says all the kid has to do is participate. He also says she could benefit from some exercise. She is enraged, but still enjoys the view as he walks away.

Daniel goes to his appointment. It turns out that Dr. Wallace is a beautiful woman. He tries to flirt with her, so she kicks him out.

Christina also has an appointment, with Wil, Fido, and the obstetrician. The doctor says she and the baby are doing well, and Christina can go back to work. What Wil really wants to know is whether or not she can start telling people about the baby. The doctor offers them a DVD of the sonogram, but she's not interested.

When Christina is alone with the doctor, she sees the name Meade on the DVD case and asks the doctor about it. He says it must be weird carrying a dead man's baby. Christina is impactada.

Betty tells Henry she's doing Charlie's shower. Charlie has requested some specific tamales from a place in Tucson that doesn't ship them overnight, so Betty is going to buy them a first-class airplane ticket. (This is the same Betty who couldn't afford even one coach class ticket to Guadalajara last season during her father's deportation crisis.) Amanda inquires about the party menu (which will include Ignacio's empanadas) and invites herself to the party.

Daniel's back at the doctor. She makes him think about why he flirts - he says he needs to feel wanted. He mentions a disappointing relationship. She asks to hear more of the story.

Wil and Fido get tired of waiting for Christina. They go back to the exam room, but she's already gone. Wil sees the patient record showing the name "Meade," and realizes that Christina knows whose baby she's carrying.

Christina tells Stuart (her supposedly sickly husband who needs $100,000 for an operation) what she's discovered. He thinks they should use the baby as leverage to get more out of Wil.

It looks like Hilda's visit to Coach Diaz backfired - Justin has received "gym detention." Hilda decides to try a new approach - she invites Diaz, whose hair is already perfect, over for a free haircut. She has put on a sexier top for his appointment. He apologizes for saying that she needed a gym class, and says she has a great body. She flirts with him and gets flustered. Diaz promises not to do anything to embarrass Justin in class. (I wish any of my gym teachers had been that nice!) She drools in the mirror at him for a few moments, until he reminds her about the haircut. She picks up the scissors and accidentally nicks his ear. She offers him some alcohol, but picks up the nail polish remover by mistake. Diaz flees in terror.

Daniel's visit to Dr. Wallace has also backfired. Apparently, they had sex during the commercial break. She freaks out and says now she needs to call her shrink. She can't work with Daniel any more.

Betty is having some trouble with the shower plans. The plates she ordered were supposed to have a baby on them, and instead they sent her plates with Old Man Time. She bumps into Claire, who drops her purse. To make Betty feel better, Claire admits she once dropped Daniel on his head into a bucket of ice in Nantucket. Betty says she sent him to a therapist. Claire appreciates the help, but thinks Betty is putting herself through too much.

Betty explains to Claire about the baby shower. Claire gives her a big nasty pinch on the arm and says Betty needs to forget about this soon-to-be-dead relationship and get on with her own life.

The next day, Betty gives Hilda a hard time for going back to see the coach again. Hilda insists that she has to apologize for cutting his ear. Betty tells her to find out his first name. Hilda admits that for the first time since Santos died, she "felt something" when she was talking to Diaz.

Henry shows up before the baby shower. Betty thinks he wants to break up, but instead he wants to stay together forever. This will consist of him using his cousin's airline discount to come out and see her every other weekend. (Like I'm sure Charlie and/or the baby won't have some kind of major crisis every other weekend, too.) Or she can visit him. Or, she suggests, they can meet in the middle, which he has coincidentally already considered, researched, and identified as Springfield, MO. He says she's the most important thing in his life. They kiss.

Charlie shows up for her shower and is displeased to see them together. Henry excuses himself. Charlie complains that Betty's directions to the house were "messed up." She also complains that Betty's house is small and that the food smells "funny."

Christina wakes up from a nap and finds Wil, Fido, and Stu waiting for her. Stu turned her in! Wil offers her whatever she wants. Christina says she doesn't want anything, and leaves. Wil says Christina will be back; she has nowhere else to go.

Amanda arrives for the baby shower (without a gift) and says she can stay only five minutes. She seats herself in front of the food and prepares to eat all of it. On seeing other pregnant women at the shower, she asks why everyone at this party is so fat.

Charlie complains to Betty that the piƱata is lined with plastic that will kill the birds at the landfill. (Maybe she should make some jewelry out of it.) Also, the vegetables were not cut recently enough for her liking. Betty offers to cut some more vegetables. Dad notes that Betty's not having any fun. He doesn't think the long-distance thing with Henry will work, either. Once Henry's a parent, things will change. Of course, Betty thinks he's wrong.

Daniel shows up, wanting to borrow money. After a busy night on the town, he has lost his wallet. Then Christina shows up, wanting to talk. Charlie demands soy milk and complains about the plates with the old man on them. Dad agrees to walk with Daniel to get the soy milk while Betty talks to Christina.

Christina is upset about Wil, but she's much more upset about the baby. Betty reassures her. Then Charlie calls up the stairs, demanding her precious tamales.

Amanda worries to the other partygoers that she could become too beautiful if she were to become pregnant. Like, dangerously beautiful. Betty interrupts to serve the special special tamales from Tucson. Charlie barely cracks a smile as Betty gives her the first one. She takes a bite, spits it back into the plate, and says they're soggy.

Betty says she flew the tamales first-class and has knocked herself out to give her this party. Charlie says Betty just wants people to think that, and the party is not what she wanted. Betty calls her a jerk (that's the best she can do?) and explains that she and Henry will be together after Charlie and Henry go back to Tuscon, whether she likes it or not. Charlie is momentarily speechless, but only because her water just broke. (If I didn't know better, I'd say she broke it with sheer willpower, just to be spiteful.)

Amanda, who doesn't seem to know much about pregnancy, says her water broke once too, when she was drinking too much one New Year's Eve.

Hilda visits the coach at school. He suggests that Justin choreograph the cheerleaders for the rest of the year instead of having gym class. He and Hilda exchange first names (he's Tony) and she walks out of the gym with a big goofy grin on her face.

During their walk to the store, Ignacio tells Daniel that he didn't meet someone special until he was feeling good about himself. He talks about how he started adding molasses to his mole recipe, and the boss loved it. Cooking became his passion, and it made him feel better about himself. (Of course, the woman he fell in love with was the boss's wife....) Ignacio tells Daniel to find his own passion.

Christina goes to Wil's place and makes Wil watch the DVD of the baby's heart beating. She demands that Wil think of another life besides her own for a change, and that she love it and give it everything it needs.

Now Charlie is complaining about her labor pains. Amanda comforts her with remembrances of some painful surgery on her nose which, she says, was definitely not a nose job. Charlie looks at Amanda's juice and says she's thirsty. This reminds Amanda that she's still hungry, so she gets up (with her glass) to find more food.

Betty wants to take Charlie to the hospital. There's a taxi waiting. Charlie whines that she wants to go to the birthing center instead and have a natural childbirth, with no drugs. Then she stands up and decides she needs drugs and an ambulance.

When Charlie assumes the position, Amanda finally realizes that there's a baby coming, and she panics and flees. Charlie demands that Betty hold her hand. (Mostly so she can smush it.) She asks why Betty threw her the shower. Betty says she was hoping that if they became friendlier, Charlie would stop coming between her and Henry so often. Charlie apologizes and says it was hard to watch Henry fall in love with someone else - that's why she dated someone else.

The paramedics arrive. The paramedics say she's too dilated too move, and it's too late for drugs, so she's going to have her baby the old-fashioned way. Betty tries to cheer her up by saying this is what she wanted in the first place.

Henry shows up. Betty wants to leave. They ask her to stay, but she doesn't want to.

Back at Mode, Claire and Alexis look at the photos from the last shoot and are not impressed. Daniel comes in, takes one look, and starts finding ways to make them better. He realizes that he doesn't need to keep looking for meaning in his life, because he loves his job already.

The Meades share a toast, but are halted when Wil puts up the sonogram video on a giant display on the wall. She gloats and says she wants to protect the baby and give it "every thing it deserves," namely, 1/3 of the Meade empire. Claire chugs the rest of her drink.

Betty, Hilda, and Ignacio wait in the kitchen until they hear crying. Henry comes in and reports that it's a boy. They hug him and he returns to the living room, where he and Charlie bond with their remarkably clean child.

As Henry beams at his baby, Betty watches her boyfriend transform into her future ex right in front of her eyes. Ignacio holds her to comfort her.

Next week: Gio's still available, and he's got sandwiches. Lots and lots of sandwiches, baby!


5/8/08: Great moments in Office episodes

(One-hour season finale coming next week!)

I want to get some fresh blood - youthenize this place. (Michael)

Like everybody, I hated golf lessons when I was a kid. (Andy)

I finished my work months ago. (Creed)

You could be a migraine worker. Maybe for you, paper should be more of a hobby. (Michael)

You sneezed in my tea and said "don't worry, it's just allergies." (Pam)

People love their junk mail. (Phil)

Kids are very wary about being lured these days. Thank you, Dateline. (Michael)

Pam: Are you serious?
Michael: Yes. And don't call me Surely.

This is Darryl Philbin. Isn't he big? (Michael)

Kiss her. Kiss her good. (Michael)


Oh no! It's LiLo!

TV Guide is reporting that Lindsay Lohan is in "advanced discussions" to be in the season finale on May 22.

Well, that's okay. I can take just about anything for one episode. What's really scary is that they're also talking about bringing her in for a story arc next season. Get the rest of the story here.

The truth is that I haven't been enjoying the show as much this season. I thought the first season was brilliant, but I am not so thrilled with the second season. I must not be alone in this, because according to TV Guide, ratings have been going down.

There's been more hype about esteemed guest stars, but less focus and less solid writing. What about Betty's dream to become a writer? What about Ignacio leaving Mexico? (Remember, he was being held at gunpoint, then we hear a gunshot and next thing we know he's at home. Excuse me?) You can let a storyline chill for a while and then bring it back, but if you don't at least mention it once in a while it looks as though you've abandoned it.

Meanwhile, I was not interested in the Renee storyline in the least. It went nowhere and seemed like filler - even while Ignacio's story was left hanging. Daniel already got burned last year, by Salma Hayek. What do we gain by seeing him burned again? And we already knew that Wil is an awful person - I felt it was redundant to have her betray her hitherto-unmentioned sister.

And I had hoped that Amanda's search for her father would go someplace that would advance the plot. Instead, it dead-ended with Gene Simmons. Yawn.

The guest stars typically do walk-ons and utter a few lines that barely contribute to the plot, and then they're gone. This is fun when the guest is someone I like, but I could live without it. I don't know how many people tuned in last night just to see Christian Siriano, but to be honest, if I were not recapping the show I would have been less likely to watch. To me, it's a turnoff when the network promotes a minor celebrity's cameo as if they feel it's the best reason to watch the episode.

Looking at it that way, I suppose I should be grateful that they're considering Lindsay Lohan for a story arc. At least it means there's going to be a story arc... I just hope it goes somewhere.


May 1, 2008 (2.15, aka #38): Crazy jealous

Renee's lack of medicine is about to kick in, and Wilhelmina is already laying the groundwork with Renee's psychiatrist to prepare for the possibility that they might have to commit her "poor sister." The doctor indicates that Renee has to become dangerous before they can commit her against her will. For the second week in a row, Fido expresses discomfort over the possibility that Renee or someone else could be harmed, but Wil has too many secrets at stake to stop now. She plans a lunch with Renee just in case Renee needs a little push to get to crazytown sooner.

Betty is severely overworked, and on top of that, Renee is driving her crazy trying to plan Daniel's time. Gio comes by with a sandwich delivery and advises Betty to speak with Renee if she's crossing the line. Betty sees Henry approach and tries to usher Gio out before Henry can sees him; it doesn't work. But there's no time to talk about that, because Henry has some bad news: Charlie had a panic attack at the airport, and since it could cause her to go into labor early, she's just going to have to hang out at Henry's place until she has the baby. Betty pretends not to be upset, and leaves before Henry can apologize.

Hilda's nemesis, Gina Gambarro, has married a doctor she met on a cruise. She comes back to the neighborhood to gloat and get a manicure. She gloats some more about the size of her closet and the possibility that Hilda was meant to be alone after Santos's death. Then she wants to come back later for a pedicure.

Not wanting to be one-upped by the likes of Gina, Hilda helps herself to some designer things from the Closet. When Gina arrives for her pedicure, Hilda notices that Gina's Prada shoes are fakes. She accuses Gina of lying about the doctor husband, too. Just then, the husband (a chiropractor, not a doctor) comes in, having finally parked the car. Humiliated, Gina says she wants to leave. He says he'll do whatever makes her happy. He tells Hilda her own life must be pretty sad if she enjoys making Gina feel that way. Later, Hilda admits to Betty that while it was fun to embarrass Gina, she wished she had someone who loved her too.

Renee comes to the office to personally rearrange Daniel's schedule for her convenience. She and Betty scuffle over it, and the appointment book is ruined. Betty tells Daniel he's going to have to choose between the two of them; Renee tells Daniel that Betty is obviously in love with him, and he probably did something to provoke it. He believes her, and during his nap he dreams that Betty tries to seduce him!

But wait, it's not even a nap - he's fallen asleep in the middle of a meeting and dreamed that he was having a nap in which he dreamed that Betty was trying to seduce him. Betty covers for him. After the meeting, Betty tries to ask for some advice about relationships, but Daniel misunderstands, gets scared, and runs out.

Later, she tries to suggest that he slow things down with Renee while she brushes lint off his pants. Again, he gets spooked and asks her about Henry. She says she hasn't had much time to spend with him lately and jokes that she's practically Daniel's boyfriend now.

Daniel asks Amanda for advice on how to deal with Betty's crush. Amanda is skeptical about this alleged crush at first, since Betty already has a boyfriend, but Henry's keeping the ex around until the baby gets born, so maybe Betty's into Daniel after all. Amanda also tells him he should be more sensitive about these things, because he wasn't very sensitive with her. Before Daniel can react to this, she mentions that Gio's still interested in Betty too, and if he gives her enough sandwiches she might just fall in love with him. Henry overhears this and asks for clarification - Amanda says Gio's in love with her. (She tries to flirt with Henry, but he just makes a face.)

Renee meets Wil for their lunch date and is angry with Wil for choosing a place that has such bad memories for her. Wil pretends to remember for the first time that this was "Gregory's" favorite place. She apologizes to Renee and warns her that Daniel always used to cheat on his girlfriends. Renee is suspicious of Wil's motives. Wil insists that she's trying to make peace, but mentions "Gregory Larson" again. Then there's a birthday cake full of candles. Wil tells the waiter he must have the wrong table, but Renee flips out at the sight of them and runs out of the restaurant. Smiling, the waiter then accepts a large tip from Wil.

Henry goes to the sandwich shop to tell Gio to stay away from Betty. Gio is offended and invites Henry to punch him. Henry doesn't want to, but Gio throws a fake punch to provoke him. Henry knocks him clear across the room! Mortified, Henry gets a soda out of the cooler to put on Gio's nose, and proceeds to carefully fold an apron into near-oblivion while explaining that he's only got four weeks left with Betty and can't seem to balance his impending fatherhood with being a good boyfriend. Gio advises him to make the most of those four weeks with Betty.

Gio also calls Betty to let her know that Henry was jealous enough to punch him! Christina is impressed, but Betty doesn't have time to hear the rest of the story.

At Wil's place, Christina has taken to listening at the air vent, since Wil has gotten rid of the baby monitor spy system. She overhears Wil mention "the 'M' word" and something about changing the lock on an armoire. As soon as she has a chance, she breaks into the armoire and finds Wil's personal files. She has Betty come over to help her search for information, and they find Wil's personal file on Renee (originally named Rhonda). According to the records, Renee was jealous, paranoid, and a pyromaniac, and had to be hospitalized for six years; there's also a photo of her looking chummy with a Stony Brook professor named Gregory Larson, who perished in a suspicious fire.

Then there's a totally irrelevant subplot about Christian Siriano from Project Runway, which has nothing to do with anything, except that he brings some ridiculously-dressed models with him, and Renee takes one look and flips. She assumes that he's having affairs with all of them, and blames Betty for trying to keep her away from him. (Siriano enjoys the drama.) When Daniel's cell phone rings, Renee grabs his phone, smashes it, and threatens to kill him as she runs out. He uses his desk phone to call Wil and let her know that Renee might be dangerous; Wil gloats and has Fido call the psychiatrist.

The psychiatrist tells Wil and Daniel that without her medication, she will fixate on someone and become violent and set a fire. Daniel asks if she killed Larson (I guess they filled him in on some of the details already), but it turns out that she had actually set the fire to kill his secretary, who she felt was in love with him and trying to keep Renee away from him. He was in the house at the time and that's why he died. Daniel realizes that Betty is in danger.

Meanwhile, Betty tries to call Daniel at the office to warn him, since she can't reach his cell phone. Amanda tells Betty he went home after his crazy girlfriend disrupted his meeting with Siriano. In a panic, Betty rushes to Daniel's place. The apartment is filled with lighted candles; Renee confronts Betty, flicking her Bic all the while. Betty tries to reason with Renee, explaining that she answers his phone and spends time with him at work because that's what assistants do. She tries to explain about Henry and Gio too, but that only confuses Renee, who is now completely off the rails. Daniel calls Betty, and she tells him where she is while struggling with Renee. Renee takes the phone and hungs up.

(As Daniel, Wil, and Fido speed to Daniel's apartment, Fido tells Daniel that he knows several people who would like Betty's job... just in case they're too late.)

Betty continues to stall for time, babbling about Charlie and the baby. Renee grabs a letter opener. Betty tries to defend herself with a candle-snuffer, but gives up.

One of the curtains catches fire from a candle. As the room goes up in flames, Betty tells Renee that there's no reason to be jealous, and Daniel loves her. Renee has a moment of lucidity and realizes she's not well. Betty takes the letter opener away, and she and Renee try to escape, but there's too much fire between them and the door. Daniel gets there, but for some reason is unable to open the door (he says it's "bolted from the inside"). Finally he busts the door open. Betty has already used a fire extinguisher to clear a path to the door. Now Renee has to go back to the hospital. Wil pretends to be concerned. Fido seems truly unsettled.

Hilda treats Betty to a haircut. Betty tells her family she almost understood how Renee felt. Then she wants to go back to work, even though Daniel gave her the day off. She tries to cheer him up. He says he really loved Renee. He also mentions the crush he thinks Betty has on him. Instead of denying it, she teases him about how she wishes she could be his morning bagel.

Betty sees Henry and excuses herself to talk to him. She emphasizes to him that she and Gio are just friends. Henry says she can have any friends she wants; he's just glad she's okay. They hug. Daniels sees them and gets depressed.

Next time: Charlie's baby shower!

5/1/08: Great moments in Office episodes

If you were a real star, you'd put your face in it. (Jim)

I can't even hear you. It's just noise coming out of an ugly scientist. (Michael)

That's a racing stripe. (Andy)

I say the same thing to my current wife, and I'll say it to my next one too. (Stanley)

I'd like to put the piano in front of Pam without her glasses and see what happens. I'd also like to see her topless. (Creed)

In the gang world, we use something called "fluffy fingers." (Darryl)

You are fired like a heart attack. (Michael)

It is a summer Christmas sale-ebration. And we call it a Summer Sales-A-Lot. (Michael)

Cool guest stars feature on TV Guide Online

TV Guide Online has this neat feature spotlighting some of Ugly Betty's most memorable guest stars.

Unfortunately, the Mexican Betty (okay, "Lety"), Angelica Vale, isn't included. Granted, she's not as well-known in the US, but her appearance on Ugly Betty was an exciting moment for telenovela fans. (Seeing Sebastian Rulli in Ignacio's favorite telenovela was pretty cool too!)