
Celebrity Apprentice week 2, 1/10/08: Omarosa is still not fired

In Omarosa's defense, this time she wasn't in a position to be fired.

First, Stephen Baldwin presents his mother's breast cancer charity with a check for more than $69,000 - the money raised by both teams in the previous week's task. She's happy!

This week's task is to create an ad for Pedigree's pet adoption program. Trump tells the teams to pick their project managers on the spot. Empresario chooses Nely Galan, and Hydra chooses Gene Simmons.

Empresario goes right to Pedigree to ask them what kind of ad they want. They ask if they want a lot of celebrities in the ad, and they're told no - Pedigree wants the focus to be on the pets, and they want an ad that tells a story. Yep, this is all caught on video. Tell stories and focus on the animals. Galan & Co. go off with some unfamiliar actors and make an ad that tells stories about three different dogs, emphasizing that they're good dogs who were given up for a variety of reasons that weren't the dogs' fault.

The message is great, but the production values are terrible. One of the dogs is drooling (Galan doesn't think this is a problem), and some of the voiceovers are terrible. Meanwhile, five-time Olympic gold medalist Nadia Comaneci seems lost with even the small, random tasks she's been given; and Omarosa wisely stays out of the way.

They dress up in black and yellow (Pedigree colors) for their presentation to the Pedigree guy. Galan runs off at the mouth a bit and overwhelms the man with a number of things he didn't ask for, like radio ads and stuff for the website.

Things go quite differently for Hydra. Simmons feels they don't have time for an initial meeting with the Pedigree guy; instead he wants to get right to work. Baldwin begs to direct the ad; Simmons agrees. They all throw ideas around and quickly decide on a concept; in the middle of all this, Ivanka shows up. Simmons shakes her hand; she seems to struggle to pull out of his grasp and shakes her hand out afterwards. He tells Baldwin to continue what he was saying, because Ivanka can wait! Later, as Ivanka is leaving, Simmons asks if, being a woman and all, she's going to go and tell Empresario what his team has been up to!

They go on produce their ad. They put teammate Lennox Lewis, famous boxer, in it. They don't really tell a story; instead, they show a cute dog being ultra-cute with Lewis. There's an ill-fated effort to get a shot of Lewis walking the dog outside; they and thus-far unimpressive Sopranos star Vincent Pastore struggle to keep passersby out of the shot, but it doesn't work. Gawking passersby create a traffic jam. Simmons decides it isn't worth the trouble and sends them all back inside. Baldwin doesn't seem to understand why, but doesn't put up a big fight.

Simmons takes a few seconds out from being stressed-out to talk baby-talk to the dog. Country singer Trace Adkins, who earlier seemed miffed when Simmons dissed his idea, does a voiceover about how everyone needs a champion in their life; Simmons says it's like the "voice of God."

When taping is finished, Baldwin and Simmons send the rest of the team home to "watch cartoons" while they edit the footage. They refuse to discuss it at all. This offends several of the teammates, who come back later during the editing session; Baldwin chases them out.

When they do their presentation to Pedigree, the guy complains that they didn't meet with him before they started working on the ad. Simmons is short with the man and tells him to let the ad speak for itself.

In the boardroom, it's Trump, Ivanka, and some grey-haired guy that isn't Donald Jr. (henceforth "SGHGTIDJ"). Trump confronts Simmons about the way he spoke to Ivanka. Simmons takes off his sunglasses and gives what I would consider only a half-assed apology at best. Trump also takes Simmons to task for snubbing the Pedigree guy, not meeting with him beforehand, and being abrupt with him at the presentation. After watching the ads, SGHGTIDJ further says that Hydra should have put up a caption explaining who Lennox Lewis is, because not everyone would know. The men try to argue with him about this, but he shuts them down.

Omarosa says that she thinks Lewis is hot, but only as a brother because he's married. Ugh - I never thought I'd say this, but there are some people who shouldn't try to let their humanity show through, because it's just too jarring.

Having said all that, Hydra's ad is the clear winner, and Empresario must again defend themselves. SGHGTIDJ scolds them for not appearing in the ad themselves. No one from Empresario point out that the Pedigree guy seemed to discourage them from doing this. Trump specifically says that he hated the voiceovers, and asks who was in charge of those; it was Marilu Henner.

But instead of presenting Henner for firing, Galan chooses Carol Alt and Nadia Comaneci. (She admits that there's no reason for Alt to be there.) Everyone seems to agree that Comaneci seemed lost and didn't contribute much. Ivanka tells her that she should have asked how to make herself more useful. Comaneci admits that her best bet for showing leadership skills would have been some type of athletic activity.

Trump is disappointed in Galan, but fires Comaneci instead. He says she's definitely a champion, and a leader of herself, but she wouldn't be able to lead a team.

In the cab ride home, Comaneci reveals that her charity was the Special Olympics. Oh well.

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