
11/9: Mini-recap

I don't have my notes with me, so this is going to be short and from memory.

Fey plot: No movement on this plot. No appearance from Chuck or Fey.

At home: Hilda has apparently decided to go with Leah, the lawyer she met on the street last week, to handle Dad's case. Leah just wants $5K as opposed to the guy they met with, who wants $20K. Hilda decides that Santos, Justin's father, is the guy to ask for the money. Turns out he won big on some bet; he gives her $2500 cash right on the spot, in exchange for getting to see Justin, but he doesn't show up for their meeting that night. Justin is disappointed but not surprised.

Eventually Santos does show up, all beat up. He was on his way to pay some debt to his bookie when the thugs got him. Hilda takes pity and invites him to Thanksgiving dinner. When Justin hears about this, he doubts that Santos will show up for that either.

Wil: Wil had Fido send a care package to Nico, but it was full of stuff that Nico didn't want or need. Nico calls to complain about this while Wil is in the middle of a "meeting" with the owner of BeauMart. BeauMart is a discount store, but for some reason Brad wanted Wil to convince this guy to advertise with them, so she is trying to make nice with him at the place of his choice, a roadhouse-style bar.

The meeting hasn't been going extremely well, but after the phone call, they bond over the subject of ungrateful, moody children and he agrees to advertise in Mode. There's also a hint of romance. After their weekend, he sends her some boots and she puts together a new care package for Nico - herself.

Daniel & Sofia: After sprinklers make her offices unusable, Sofia and her staff temporarily move into Mode's fishbowl room. Daniel thinks this is a great opportunity to flirt with/insult her (there's not much difference, with him). Sofia asks Betty to review an article she wrote on sexaholism.

Daniel is convinced that the article is about him and starts reading her book. He finds out she likes Indian food, and sends her some. It proves to be too hot for him, so she takes him out on her motorcycle to play pool at some dive and lets him win. She asks him what makes him think the sexaholic article was about him - maybe it was about her. They have a quickie in the back room at the bar. On Monday, he complains that she didn't return any of his calls or emails over the weekend. She tells him she was busy with her boyfriend. HA!!

Betty: Daniel has trouble getting someone to do a hotel review, so he has Betty do it. Spending the weekend at the swanky Soho hotel interferes with her plans to go to Atlantic City with the Turd Sandwich. She halfheartedly invites him, but he refuses. The hotel employees are rude to her until she plays the Mode card, but then they're super-polite.

She nervously agrees to a massage from a hot guy named Sven, but they are interrupted by Turd Sandwich, who sends Sven away. She makes TS buy a nice shirt so they can eat at the hotel restaurant; she wears the most elegant thing she owns - her prom dress, which rivals any bridesmaid dress on the ugly scale. At the restaurant, TS complains loudly about the food and says he doesn't like Betty from Mode - he liked Betty from Queens.

Betty struggles to finish the review, but isn't happy with it or her behavior. She goes home and apologizes to Turd Sandwich. He says he is afraid of losing her; she says she just wants some support from him.

Daniel says the review is great, but it's not for Mode. Betty is crushed, but Sofia agrees to print the review instead.

Next week: Thanksgiving. Be afraid!!

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