
1/18/2007: The prettiest zombie

At the Suarez home

Thanks to pending litigation, the entire Herbalux product line has been recalled, so now Hilda is out of a job. Betty is now the family's sole breadwinner, serving chips and salsa out of a hat at a Mexican restaurant.

Hilda decides to start a new business: selling Dad's cupcakes to a local diner. Too bad she didn't warn Dad first. He has to bake 100 cupcakes by 5 am. He finishes, but quits, especially when he discovers that she charged much less for the cupcakes than they cost to make. Hilda, who can't cook, says she'll just fill the next day's order - 200 cupcakes - on her own. She only manages to burn her first batch, then throws a tantrum about her own inadequacies and Betty's social life. Justin also overhears her complaining about single motherhood.

Fortunately, Betty manages to get her old job back.

Wil & "Fey"

Evidently, between episodes, Wil contacted that Steve guy who had info about Brad's involvement in Fey's murder. Steve meets with Wil & "Fey" and wants a million dollars in exchange for evidence that will prove Brad did it. They accept, and "Fey" tells Wil to get ready to take over and fire anyone she doesn't like.

Wil hints of the upcoming takeover to Fido and shares with him her plans to prune the staff. She assumes Fluffy will be loyal to Daniel; not wanting to lose his closest ally at Mode, Fido warns Fluffy that she will need to show that she's on Wil's side, not Daniel's.

Wil recruits Christina (apparently an aspiring designer, and also on Wil's "undecided" list for firing) to deliver a big fat envelope (the evidence) anonymously to the police. Wil implies that in exchange, Christina will be listed among Mode's top 10 up-and-coming designers in a forthcoming issue. At first, Christina bristles at the quid pro quo, but finally agrees, not wanting to be a seamstress forever.

And at Mode

Even though she's no longer Daniel's employee, Betty stills feels badly about what happened to him, so she goes to Daniel's place to prepare it for his homecoming from Rio. When she gets there, she discovers that he's been hiding out in his loft all along. He hires her back, with the goofy plan that she and Fluffy will be co-assistants.

Venturing outside his loft for the first time since that unfortunate TV appearance, Daniel is confronted with evidence of Sofia's betrayal everywhere he goes. The whole city is festooned with signs for MYW - that awful cover with him and Sofia. At the office, he and Betty climb several dozen flights of stairs so that he can avoid running into her on the elevator.

Fido warns Fluffy that her job is at risk and urges her to find a way to prove herself to Wil. Meanwhile, Betty tries to get Daniel back to his old self by arranging a date with a supermodel. Fluffy sees an opportunity and calls the model's agent, posing as Betty, saying that the date has been called off.

Hounded by nosy paparazzi, Daniel goes to the restaurant for his date. The model doesn't show up. He calls Betty, who discovers that there was a mixup. Knowing how humiliated Daniel will be if he's stood up in front of the entire world, she meets him for dinner and tells him he can say that he's meeting with his assistant to discuss the big raise he's going to give her.

Betty and Daniel spend the entire rest of the night wandering around the city, having strange adventures (karaoke, wedding crashing) and talking. One of the topics is Henry; Daniel thinks Betty should go for it. He also tells Betty that the model at the holiday party kissed Henry, not the other way around, and in any case, Betty is better than any model.

The second topic of conversation is Daniel's beloved dead brother Alex (Brad and Claire's obviously favorite son), who died when jumping out of a helicopter to go skiing (Alex didn't have the patience to wait for the skilift). Daniel says he can't really think of Alex as dead; instead, he thinks of him as being on a trip.

The next day, since Fluffy's attempt to humiliate Daniel failed, Fluffy demotes herself to receptionist in hopes that Wil will have mercy on her during the upcoming takeover.

The shocking finale

"Fey" has her bandages removed. She now looks like a supermodel. At this time, it is revealed that "Fey" was never Fey - she's a highly modified, surgically altered version of DANIEL'S DEAD BROTHER ALEX!!! Apparently, the skiing accident that killed Alex didn't completely kill him... and now he's Alexis.

Where the heck is this going? At first I thought maybe the idea was for Alexis to seduce Daniel. But that'd be really ooky, considering that she's still Daniel's sibling.

Either that, or "Alexis" really is Fey, posing as a female Alex 2.0 for some reason. But that makes even less sense.

Next week

Looks like it's a rerun of the Halloween episode? Okay by me - I love Henry!

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