
Apr 12, 2007: Clip Show

I'm not going to recap the clip show, but I'll give you my mini-review: Very disappointing.

I hate clip shows in general, but often they are presented within the structure of a story, for example: people get trapped in an elevator and reminisce; a family gets snowed in during a blizzard and they reminisce; or some stranger asks them to explain something and we see it all in flashbacks from previous episodes. At least you're given this tiny shred of plot to hold it all together.

If you must do a blatant clip show without even the guise of an episode, the least you can do is include some extras. Last night's show might have been interesting to people who needed to be brought up to speed on the story so far, as it did a good job of covering all of that.

But, for those of us who've been following along with Ugly Betty, it was a wasted hour. There were no extras. Some of the writers and other people involved with the show made a few comments about the characters, but there was nothing that I would consider new or interesting information. It was mostly just them saying what's so great about the show - again, we fans already know that!

I had been hoping they'd throw the loyal fans a bone or two - perhaps some deleted scenes or bloopers, or maybe a tour of the original Yo Soy Betty, La Fea and the many other versions from around the world. How about the actors talking about their roles? But we didn't get anything like that. Feh.

But there is some good news: A new episode next week! Yay!

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